Where are we? What creatures surround us? Appearances can deceive us, can lead us to think that what we observe is not terrestrial, that we are in an alien world.
Space is fundamentally dark and mysterious, just like the ocean depths.
Often, reality leaves room for imagination. Often, I aim to look scenes that fuel doubt: do they belong to this earthly world or to who knows what alien world…
It is often said of the ocean depths: a place that is in fact unknown, unexplored, lightless and inhabited by creatures as mysterious as they are monstrous. It is in fact an alien world. Even biologically based on energy mechanisms different from those active in our reality.
But more often, without the need to go to truly abyssal depths by thousands of meters, it is possible to observe and photograph creatures, scenes that to most, non-expert divers, are equivalent to alien landscapes, especially if guided by a touch of imagination.
Underwater, photographing these scenes often requires a wide-angle lens and an auxiliary light to create a “snoot” (or cone of light) effect. Wanting to work with ambient light instead, it is advisable to dive in the afternoon hours with grazing light.
The desired alienating effect can be achieved by placing the subject in the foreground, illuminating it with auxiliary light and leaving natural light and the water surface in the background (at shallow depth).
Apnea photography, a few meters down the surface, at dusk. Having to photograph at very shallow depth, the difficulty lies mainly in buoyancy stability.